1969, original core of the Internet was built, the ARPAnet (advanced research projects administration network). Developed by the US Department of Defense as an experiment in the wide-area networking, which could survive a war. The ARPAnet protocol was later renamed TCP/IP.
Implementation of the packet-switching concept. Separation of data streams into independent packets/parcels, posted by fastest route, and not necessarily all by the same route, over the network to arrive at their destination to be reassembled and presented completely.
Academia funded by the D of D to develop TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/ Internet protocol) on BSD Unix computer operating system. Analogous to the highway code regulating traffic on the Internet.
BSD and TCP/IP source released publicly. More correctly, these protocols should be referred to as ' The Internet Protocol Suite'
1989 to 1992, a CERN Particle Physics Lab, based project team develops the World Wide Web (WWW) concept led by Tim Berners-Lee. This created the kernel of what is, in many people's eyes, the Internet, but is actually just one of the many protocols.
The Internet's popularity explodes, principally due to the WWW and it's Hypertext standards.

With the advent of the WWW allowing graphical content to be broadcast over the Internet, the cotton wool has been removed from people's eyes. Previously, the Internet was technically led. But with it's simplification it has quite simply become the fastest expanding business and marketing tool on the planet.

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